Tugboat Beach, Curacao
Blog Post - November 11, 2022
Tugboat Beach has the best snorkeling on the southwest side of Curacao.
It has free parking and is free to enter.
The beach is all coral, but the snorkeling makes it all worth it.
You snorkel out to a sunken tugboat that has all sorts of tropical fish swimming around it.
You'll take some back roads to get there. When you arrive there is a free parking area.

You can see circle on the picture below. That is where the sunken tugboat is located.

As you pull up to the parking lot, this is what it looks like.

After you park, as you're walking in you'll see this sign assuring you that you're at Tugboat Beach:

You'll walk through to a deck that has stairs down to the beach. The beach is mostly coral and rocks, but the water is crystal clear.

We brought our own snorkel gear. We layed out our towels and got into the water. You'll swim in between the large concrete piers. This will take you to the sunken tugboat.

Once we made it to the shipwreck, we snorkeled and explored all around it.

From these aerial views, you can see the sunken ship and the view back to Tugboat beach.

Because you have to swim a good ways to get to the sunken ship, there is a lot of amazing snorkeling along the way. We loved this beach for its snorkeling and would highly recommend it on your next trip to Curacao
The parking and admission is free. We brought our own snorkel gear so it was completely free for us
Total Cost: $0
These are the checklist items I recommend:
- Bring a hat to keep the sun off of your face.
- Bring reef-safe sunscreen
- Bring some cash for the shop and restaurant if you want to get anything.
- Bring your own snorkelling gear.