Siesta Key Beach, Florida
Explore Siesta Key Beach:
Blog Post - April 20, 2019
We decided to visit Siesta Key while we were visiting Florida. We found a parking lot with a path to Siesta Beach.

As we reached the end of the trail, there was a sign letting us know that we were at 402 Beach Road, Access 7 at Siesta Beach.

The sand at Siesta Beach is sooo soft!

This beach also had a lot of cool looking birds.

This is the view on Siesta Beach looking North.

The water felt sooo good on a hot day!

There are lots of cool shops on Ocean Blvd in Siesta Key. We saw this really cool car rental place.

Right next store to the car rental place is the Fudge Factory. We got some fudge there and it was delicious!

We didn't actually ride the Sip N Cycle Cruises, but this bicycle trolley looked pretty cool. We saw one just like this in Puerto Rico too.

We had such a good day at Siesta Key. We definitely want to go back for a longer visit!
Siesta Beach at Siesta Key was completely free.
We didn't even have to pay for parking as they had free parking lots by the beach.
Total Excursion Cost: $0
These are the things that I recommend you bring to Siesta Beach:
- Your own Mask
- Your own Snorkel
- Your own fins/flippers
- Sunscreen
- Go Pro Hero 8 Black video camera
- Go Pro 3-Way Grip to hold the camera out in front of you.
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