The Moonscape Overlook near Hanksville, Utah
Blog Post - September 30, 2023
The Moonscape Overlook is an amazing location with steep cliffs that drop hundreds of feet to a view of a landscape that looks like the moon.
It's located just outside of Hanksville, Utah.
You will have to drive some dirt roads to get there, but it's totally worth it.
We left Hanksville on the paved highway, UT-24. We drove about 10.7 miles (12 minutes) to the right hand turn onto N Factory Butte Rd. This is also known as Coal Mine Rd.

We made a right hand turn onto N Factory Butte Rd. This is a dirt road. We drove about 6.1 miles north to Skyline View Road. There is no street sign for this turn. There is a stick marker with the number 0913.

We made a right hand turn onto Skyline View Rd and followed it to the Moonscape Overlook.

When we arrived at the Moonscape Overlook, we parked our truck and explored the cliffs and took in the views.

There is an overlook that you can stand on. It looks easy to get to, but it has sheer drop offs. This is what it looks like sitting on it.

As you look out, it really does look like what I imagine the surface of the moon would look like

Overall, we loved our visit to the Moonscape Overlook and would highly recommend it on your next trip to Hanksville, Utah.
The Moonscape Overlook, Utah Maps - First Turnoff From UT-24:
This marker shows where to turn off of Utah State Route 24. Click on the map for the coordinates. It's about 10.7 miles west of Hanksville, Utah. You will make a right hand turn on N Factory Butte Rd. This is a dirt road.
(Click on the map above to go to a Google Maps larger view.)
The Second Turn onto Skyline View Rd (Stick #0913)
This marker shows where to turn right on the dirt road Skyline View Rd. You will follow this road to the Moonscape Overlook. Click on the map for the coordinates.
(Click on the map above to go to a Google Maps larger view.)
The Last Marker showing the actual location:
This marker shows the actual location of The Moonscape Overlook on Google Maps. Click on the map for the coordinates.
(Click on the map above to go to a Google Maps larger view.)
The Moonscape Overlook is on public land and is free to go to.
Price: $0
These are the checklist items I recommend:
- A 4-wheel drive vehicle with a full tank of gas.
- Bring a hat to keep the sun off of your face.
- Wear shoes with good grip or hiking shoes.
- Bring water and food.
- Download the coordinates and maps before so you can find your way.