Manatee Springs, Florida
Explore Manatee Springs:
Blog Post - April 22, 2019
We arrived in the small northern town of Chiefland, Florida to visit family.
We then discovered that Manatee Springs was just down the road and was supposed to be a beautiful place to explore. We got our snorkeling gear and headed out.
As you drive into Chiefland, you’ll see this beautiful sign on the right hand side of the road:

As you pull into Manatee Springs, you’ll see this Welcome Sign right before going to the entrance gate.

The cost to enter this State Park is $6 per vehicle of 5 adults. As we started driving to the spring we saw a lot of wildlife signs.

We finally made it to the actual Spring and it was beautiful! They built steps, so it’s easy to get into the water.

We were lucky enough to see a manatee swimming by, so I jumped in the water to film it with my GoPro!

You can see me with my blue flippers in the water as I was filming the manatee.

One of my favorite parts about these adventures is sharing it with family. Ember, Jake, and Tarin had a great time swimming with the Manatee too!

Overall, Julie and I had a great time at Manatee Springs. We would highly recommend it!

As we walked the wooden bridge system at Manatee Springs, we saw this water snake just hanging out in the shallow water. We didn’t see any snakes in the snorkeling area of the actual spring.
We also saw this little turtle. The turtle was hard to see as the shell acted as camouflage!
Manatee Springs is a Florida state park.
The cost was $6 for one vehicle with 5 adults.
Total Excursion Cost: $6
Here’s the receipt from Manatee Springs State Park:

These are the things that I recommend you bring to Manatee Springs State Park to Snorkel:
- Your own Mask
- Your own Snorkel
- Your own fins/flippers
- Sunscreen
- Go Pro Hero 8 Black video camera
- Go Pro 3-Way Grip to hold the camera out in front of you.
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