Fanning Springs, Florida
Explore Fanning Springs:
Blog Post - April 16, 2019
I had heard that the water at Fanning Springs was crystal clear, but when I got there and started snorkeling, I was blown away! Not only is the water clear, but the spring is so beautiful. If you are in the area, it’s a must visit! Check out the video above.
As you pull into Fanning Springs State Park, you’ll see the sign on the left hand side.

As you drive in, you’ll see the guard gate where we paid $6 for one vehicle with 5 people.

After parking, we walked to the wooden trail that leads to the spring. This is the first view of Fanning Springs:

The trail leads to a dock area where you can walk to the other side. The view is amazing!

Snorkeling and diving underwater was amazing!

Overall, we had an amazing time at Fanning Springs. We would highly recommend a visit there!
Manatee Springs is a Florida state park
The cost was $6 for one vehicle with 5 adults.
Total Excursion Cost: $6
Here’s the receipt from Manatee Springs State Park:

These are the things that I recommend you bring to Fanning Springs State Park to Snorkel:
- Your own Mask
- Your own Snorkel
- Your own fins/flippers
- Sunscreen
- Go Pro Hero 8 Black video camera
- Go Pro 3-Way Grip to hold the camera out in front of you.
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