Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
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Blog Post - October 17, 2020
I've lived in Utah for several years, but had never made the trip out to the Bonneville Salt Flats.
We decided as a family to make a day trip out to see what everyone has been talking about.
We headed up to Salt Lake City and then headed West on I-80. You take I-80 almost to Nevada and you will see the Salt Flats on the north side of the highway.
We stopped at the rest stop and had a picnic. We then headed out onto the Salt Flats and started driving toward the mountains.
Our goal was to make it to the other side where they hold the famous land speed records.
We finally made it and saw the blue lines that the land speed record cars follow.
We felt like we were driving on a different planet. The pattern of the salt is so mesmerizing. We loved this day trip and would highly recommend visiting the Bonneville Salt Flats is you're in Utah.

There are no fees to visit the Bonneville Salt Flats.
These are the checklist items I recommend:
- Bring a picnic to eat at the rest stop
- Go Pro Hero 8 Black video camera
- Go Pro 3-Way Grip to hold the camera out in front of you.
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