Anna Maria Island, Florida
Explore Anna Maria Island:
Blog Post - April 20, 2019
Visiting Anna Maria Island was absolutely amazing. This is now one of my favorite beaches in Florida! When we drove along the island, we noticed that toward the North end of the island, you could park in the residential areas that had signs designating the parking areas. We parked our white Suburban right in front of this beautiful house!

We crossed the street and walked down the path to Bean Point Beach.

Bean Point Beach does not allow dogs and has a rip current warnings.

This trail to the beach is so beautiful and really got us excited to see what was at the end!

This is the view at the end of the path! The white sand and blue skies were breathtaking.

As we entered the beach, there was a post marking which street we parked on.

As we looked back from the beach, you can see how far back the houses are set.

The white sand was so beautiful.

We loved walking on the sandbar!

Tyson loved the shallow water. It was like his own private pool.

The north end of Bean Point Beach was so cool. As the island curves, you can see the water curve with it.

Overall, we absolutely loved Bean Point Beach on Anna Maria Island. Next time, we are going to rent a house on the beach!
Bean Point Beach at Anna Maria Island was completely free.
We didn't even have to pay for parking as they had free parking along the streets.
Total Excursion Cost: $0
These are the things that I recommend you bring to Bean Point Beach at Anna Maria Island:
- Your own Mask
- Your own Snorkel
- Your own fins/flippers
- Sunscreen
- Go Pro Hero 8 Black video camera
- Go Pro 3-Way Grip to hold the camera out in front of you.
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